A recognized entrepreneur and intellectual, Steve Moradel has made a significant contribution to the new technology landscape by founding several pioneering companies. Among them, Bemersive, specialized in spatial computing and artificial intelligence, and Blue Ai, an innovative initiative that fights against ocean pollution by crossing the mapping of waste reported by citizens with contextual data. His global vision, which mixes human sciences, technology, geopolitics and business, has earned him solid recognition, both on the international scene and in France.
As a strategic advisor, Steve supports renowned companies and organizations in their digital transformations, placing innovation and artificial intelligence at the heart of their strategies to better navigate in a constantly changing world. His commitment to ecology is also demonstrated by his co-founding of the NGO Acting for Water, recognized for its significant impact in the fight for access to drinking water.
Present and influential through his online contributions, Steve Moradel was recognized as one of the 25 most influential French personalities by LinkedIn in 2020. At the same time, he launched a career as a writer with his first novel, On the Heights of Niagara Falls, which quickly became a bestseller. This success is a testament to his ability to captivate a wide audience with deep and engaging themes. His second novel is expected in early 2025.
His contribution has been recognized at the highest level, and in 2022, he was named Knight of the National Order of Merit, a distinction which crowns an exemplary career.
Depuis plusieurs années, je partage mon parcours d'entrepreneur, mettant en lumière mes succès, mes échecs et des thèmes essentiels tels que l'inclusion, le leadership et la confiance en soi.
Dépasser les Obstacles et Créer sa Réussite : Le Pouvoir des Rencontres et de la Résilience
Mon parcours est marqué par des défis à surmonter, des épreuves transformées en opportunités et, surtout, par des rencontres déterminantes qui ont façonné ma vision et mes projets. Dans cette conférence, je raconte mon histoire, un chemin hors du commun où la force des relations humaines s'est révélée essentielle. À travers des anecdotes inspirantes et des leçons pratiques, j’invite les cadres dirigeants à réfléchir à leur propre trajectoire et à l’impact des liens qu’ils tissent dans leur vie professionnelle et personnelle.
Objectifs :
Inspirer à travers l’expérience : Illustrer comment surmonter les obstacles et transformer les défis en tremplins.
Montrer l’importance des rencontres : Explorer le rôle des relations humaines dans la construction du succès.
Outiller pour agir : Partager des stratégies pour cultiver des liens authentiques et en faire des leviers de performance et de bien-être.
Réinventer le leadership : Encourager une vision du leadership centrée sur l’humain, la collaboration et l’inspiration mutuelle.